Fire Officer Dennis Questions Social Media Focus on Looks Over Life-Saving Safety Tips

Nigerian Fire Service officer Dooshima Dennis has sparked a conversation on social media after expressing her concern over the lack of engagement with her fire safety posts compared to the overwhelming response to her photos. 

 Dennis, who regularly shares crucial safety tips on her X handle, took to the platform to question why her followers seem more interested in her appearance than the potentially life-saving information she provides. 

“Why is it that when I post fire safety tips, no one likes or retweets, but when I post a picture of myself, I get thousands of likes and retweets?” she asked.

 One user humorously responded by suggesting that Dennis is “hotter than fire,” implying that her looks overshadow the seriousness of the safety content she shares. 

 While the comment was meant in jest, it highlighted a concerning trend where important public safety information is overlooked in favor of superficial interests. 

Dennis acknowledged the remark with humor but reiterated the importance of balancing attention between her appearance and the critical fire safety advice she offers. 

“Haha, that could be it! But fire safety is just as important—let’s keep the heat on both!” she replied.

 The exchange has drawn attention to the challenges faced by professionals like Dennis uses social media to educate the public. 

 In spite of the lighthearted nature of the comments, the situation highlights a deeper issue: the need for Nigerians to prioritize their safety and take advantage of the knowledge shared by experts. 

 As fire safety continues to be a critical concern, especially in urban areas, Officer Dennis’s message serves as a reminder that while social media can be a place for entertainment, it also has the power to disseminate information that can save lives.

About Oluwatofunmi Adedokun

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