Actress Ekene Umenwa Channels Virgin Mary in Maternity Shoot, Citing Divine Inspiration

Nigerian actress Ekene Umenwa has made a profound statement of faith by channeling the Virgin Mary in her recent maternity shoot, showcasing her deep spiritual connection during her pregnancy.

Draped in a blue and white robe and veil, Umenwa explained that her choice of attire was inspired by a vision she received from Mother Mary while praying at a grotto.

This divine encounter led her to honor the maternal care and intercession she felt throughout her pregnancy.

“I am truly blessed by the Lord’s mercy. My pregnancy journey was a wonderful experience, and I give praise to the Blessed Trinity and honor to our Mother Mary, who stood by me throughout,” Umenwa shared, expressing her deep gratitude for the spiritual support she received.

Her portrayal of the Virgin Mary in the shoot reflects a reverence for her faith and serves as a reminder that even in the spotlight, some celebrities still hold their spiritual beliefs close.

The shoot, which featured a background filled with images of angels and heavenly bodies, has been widely celebrated by Umenwa’s colleagues and fans.

Her decision to embody the Virgin Mary has resonated with many, highlighting the importance of faith in her life and serving as a role model for others to keep God at the center of their journey.

About Oluwatofunmi Adedokun

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