60% of African Youths Blame Corruption for Emigration as Hope in Governments Wanes, New Poll Finds

A new poll has revealed that 60% of African youths are eager to leave the continent due to the rampant corruption that they believe is jeopardizing their future.

Conducted by the Johannesburg-based Ichikowitz Family Foundation, the 2024 African Youth Survey polled 5,604 people aged 18 to 24 across 16 African countries.

The results highlight a deep frustration with governmental inaction and widespread corruption, which the youths see as the “single greatest hurdle” to achieving a better life.

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The survey, which was carried out via face-to-face interviews earlier this year, found that North America and Western Europe are the top destinations for these disillusioned young Africans, with 60% of them planning to emigrate within the next five years.

Many of the respondents voiced their dissatisfaction with their governments, citing a lack of significant action against corruption and poor governance.

The survey also revealed that while a majority still believe in democracy, a significant portion of the youths are open to alternative forms of government, particularly if they believe it could yield better results.

Further insights from the survey indicate a growing concern among African youths about foreign exploitation, particularly in relation to their countries’ natural resources.

A notable 72% of those polled expressed unease about foreign influence, especially from nations like China, France, and the United States.

The findings highlight the growing disillusionment among Africa’s youth, many of whom are seeking opportunities abroad as their faith in local governments continues to erode.

About Oluwatofunmi Adedokun

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