Court Imposes N10 Million Bail on End Bad Governance Protesters, Sparking Concerns Over Fairness

A Federal High Court in Abuja, presided over by Justice Emeka Nwite, has granted bail of N10 million each to ten #EndBadGovernance protesters, raising concerns about the fairness of the decision that has been enforced.

 The protesters, who were arrested and charged with treason and inciting mutiny, were accused of attempting to destabilize Nigeria without visible evidence.

 In spite of the charges, many believe the hefty bail amount is unreasonable, given that the protesters were simply exercising their right to freedom of expression and ensuring their voices were heard directly by the government. 

 Justice Nwite, while delivering the ruling, acknowledged the principle that “anybody charged with a criminal offense must be presumed innocent until proven guilty.” 

 Yet, the bail condition—requiring N10 million and a surety in the same sum—has been criticized as excessive for poor citizens who are trying to make ends meet. 

 Critics argue that the protesters were peacefully voicing their concerns about governance, and such a harsh financial demand may deter future demonstrations and undermine the right to protest or express emotions in the nation. 

 “This large sum imposed on peaceful protesters reflects the government’s disregard for the laws they have enacted to protect citizens’ rights,” one legal expert commented. 

 The case has reignited discussions about the government’s approach to civil rights and the freedom of expression in Nigeria, which is no longer sure to be in existence. 

About Oluwatofunmi Adedokun

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