Sokoto Cleric Seeks Public Help After Bandits Kill Driver, Hold Six Relatives for Ransom

A Sokoto-based cleric, Sheikh Bashar Danfili, has revealed the horrifying ordeal his family is facing after bandits abducted six of his relatives and killed their driver, reportedly feeding his remains to dogs.

In a social media post, Danfili shared that the victims—a man, his mother, stepmother, two wives, and a sister—were ambushed on their way to a village.

The kidnappers are now demanding a hefty ransom, which the family is struggling to raise.

“The driver was killed on the spot, and the bandits fed their dogs with his flesh. But the rest are still in captivity,” Danfili said.

 With the ransom running into millions of Naira, the cleric is seeking help from the public as the deadline set by the kidnappers approaches.

Danfili, who is known for his teachings and religious work, emphasized his inability to raise such a large sum.

“I am a scholar; I don’t have anything. My job is only to teach people with the books that you can see behind me,” he explained, noting that time is running out and the captors have threatened to kill his family members if the ransom isn’t paid.

 The cleric’s desperate plea comes at a time when Nigeria is grappling with multiple challenges, including rising fuel prices and economic instability, leaving many citizens in difficult financial situations.

This incident also highlights the growing issue of kidnappings for ransom across the country, as Danfili urged the government to address this crisis:

“We cannot raise it… Therefore, I am pleading for help from the general public so that we can be able to pay the ransom and get them released.”

About Oluwatofunmi Adedokun

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