Surgical Surprise: Doctor Finds Keys, Knife, and Nail Cutters in Man’s Stomach

In a shocking medical case from Motihari, Bihar, doctors removed several metal objects, including keys, nail cutters, and a folding knife, from the stomach of a young man in his early twenties.

The alarming situation came to light after the man’s mother noticed that her wardrobe keys were missing.

Initially, she thought her son was joking when he claimed to have swallowed them, but a hospital visit confirmed the horrifying truth through an ultrasound.

Dr. Kumar, the surgeon who led the operation, expressed concern over the patient’s mental health, attributing the bizarre incident to the man’s excessive use of social media and the internet.

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The man’s mother echoed this sentiment, stating that her son’s mental stability had been compromised by his addiction to screen time.

While the official diagnosis remains unclear, Dr. Kumar suggested that the young man may be suffering from pica, a psychological disorder characterized by the compulsive ingestion of non-food items.

This incident highlights the importance of attentive parenting, especially in monitoring children’s mental health.

The young man’s situation highlights the need for parents to be vigilant and responsive to their children’s behavior, as early intervention could prevent such dangerous actions.

Thanks to the timely and skilled efforts of the medical team, the man’s life was saved, serving as a reminder of the critical role healthcare professionals play in responding to emergencies.

About Oluwatofunmi Adedokun

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